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recruiting resources
Helpful Forms & Links
NCAA Recruiting Information Websites
NCAA Division 3 Recruiting Rules NCAA III recruiting rules
You cannot take an official visit, nor sign a NLI until you attain an NCAA ID www.ncaaclearinghouse.net
NCAA Eligibility Center for Student-Athletes Eligibility Center
University Athlete: App that connects athletes with College Coaches University Athlete
Register for the SAT SAT Registration
Register for the ACT ACT Registration
2020/2021 Guide for the College Bound Student Athlete (pdf guide) NCAA Guide for Athletes
NCAA Recruiting Calendars and Rules for Division I, II and III Recruiting Calendars
Listing of all colleges in Divisions I, II, or III Division Listings
A to Z list of all Schools offering Volleyball www.a2zcolleges.com
Characteristics of Volleyball Recruits by Position and College Division www.ncsasports.org